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a life lived for art is never a life wasted- Macklemore

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to check out my artwork! I am madly in love with what I get to do. It's my world and my passion, and hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I do creating it. 


My art integrates various medias that use both verbal and nonverbal language. It is through this platform that I can communicate my emotions and experiences. Using several materials and methods not only challenges my current skills, but also acts as the driving force behind the evolution of the work. I love using spray paint, acrylics, ink, snowboards, distressed glass, recycled wood, linen canvas, and papers.

After attending both universities and institutes, I found that the best means to further myself and progress my art can be found in life experience coupled by trial and error. "Six Circle" represents the core values that govern my life, as well as the six members of my immediate family. My philosophies incorporate the ideals of a cyclical life, that which goes around comes around, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and above all else, the value of family, from friendship to blood.


Light and Love!!


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